The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that driving distracted is 6 times more dangerous than driving intoxicated. They added that 2017 was the second year in a row that motor vehicle deaths surpassed 40,000 and pedestrian deaths exceeded 6,000 and distracted driving is the leading factor. Why doesn’t the law treat distracted driving more seriously? Maybe the time is finally here!
California SB 1030 appears to put some teeth behind distracted driving laws. Current laws prohibit holding an electronic device while driving there were still more than 50,000 citations issued to drivers for using their phones in 2017 and this is just the tip of the iceberg. California drivers routinely text, watch videos, take selfies and use the increasingly popular “Infotainment Apps” often included with newer cars.
Studies previously done on seatbelt use showed primary enforcement of seatbelt laws and an increase in penalties for not doing so lead to a large increase in compliance and SB1020 applies the same rationale to distracted driving. This would make distracted driving a moving violation and would add a point to the driving record. The additional point would likely add to car insurance rates and have other negative consequences says Brian Marvel the President of the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC). California drivers and their elected officials should treat distracted driving as the hazard it is and support this bill.
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