Standing at most any intersection in the Sacramento region for more than five minutes will reveal the many different forms of distracted driving. You will see people using smartphones to text, look at Facebook, make calls and even play on the web. You will also see people eating, putting on makeup, shaving, wrestling with children and people deeply engaged in conversation. While many of these tasks and events may seem harmless there is a reason the first distracted driving laws were written in the early 1970’s, long before the cellphone was invented.
Take a second and think about what your specific distractions are while you’re driving. Are you engaged in your own Karaoke contest complete with air guitar, playing with your radio and maybe even the quick text to alert someone that you are getting close. Even what appears to be a harmless conversation with a friend could serve to distract you from your responsibilities behind the wheel. Almost 1,000 people are injured or even killed every day as a result of distracted driving according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
Manual distractions include anything that causes you to take one or both hands off of the wheel. This includes using your phone, tuning the stereo, applying make-up, shaving or eating or drinking anything.
Cognitive distractions include daydreaming, deep conversations, or thinking about what you need to do at home or at work. Even your cell phone ringing or a text alert can cause a cognitive distraction.
Visual distractions include billboards, looking at your phone when it’s laying on the seat, trying to pick up something that fell on to the floor. Anything that causes you to be distracted for longer than 2 seconds will double your chance of being involved in a car crash according to the CDC. The safe reality is it can wait!
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