This is a cautionary story a family wants you to hear. Dylan Richard was a 17 year-old Folsom High School student-athlete with his whole life ahead of him and was only a few weeks away from graduation.”. He was the type of athlete that small colleges were trying to recruit. On May 12 everything changed.
Dylan fell off a skateboard he was riding with football teammates in El Dorado Hills. He was not wearing a helmet and suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result. After he fell his friends took one look at him and they knew it was serious. Dylan was transported to U.C. Davis Medical Center that night. He has undergone two emergency brain surgeries and was recently transferred to Kaiser to rehabilitate.
The Folsom community stepped up and created a GoFundMe account and a meal train was also set up to help the family. The community has also set-up a petition asking Kaiser to refer Dylan to Craig Hospital in Denver. Craig Hospital is one of the top brain surgery and spinal cord rehabilitation centers in the country with a program specifically for teenagers who suffer this sort of injury. As of Monday the petition has 2,660 signatures… That was before we added our name.
Dylan Richard is getting support from his coaches and former team members. The team has talked with him on zoom but will not be able to actually see him until guidelines can be met. Coach Paul Doherty explains “a big part of high school football is the intimacy of the locker room. You want to have these conversations with your kids because Dylan’s life is different now. These are conversations you need to have on the daily because kids need guidance and direction.” We pray for Dylan’s and his family.
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