We read an article recently about someone in the Bay Area that bought a home built in the middle 1950’s without the aid of an attorney or a home inspection. In the court papers they stated that they cut corners to save a few dollars. Had they not cut corners they would likely be better off today.
Back in March 2014 they closed escrow on their new rental property. This was a nice home that they could rent easily and for top dollar. What they liked best was that the home had a great view from the deck and they would be ready to retire in 10 years or so it would be a nice place to live. The only downside was that with prices rising they needed to cut costs somewhere. Their somewhere would be in the area of an attorney to review the closing documents and a qualified home inspector.
The family relied on the real estate agent for both of these because the agent had over 30 years of experience. The home closed in late March 2014, the home was rented in late April 2014 and catastrophic deck collapse happened in late July 2014. 23 people were on the deck that night and their injuries ranged from bumps and bruises to broken limbs and even a fractured pelvis.
The real estate agent showed him that he accepted the home “as is” in the documentation and further showed him paperwork that he signed attesting to the fact that the agent knew nothing about the structural aspects of the home and suggesting he have an extensive home inspection along with his refusal! The buyer and his insurance company were responsible for the injuries and there are a lot of questions to be asked and checks to be written.
This could become an indictment of greedy trial lawyers trying to get rich or responsible injury advocates looking out for their clients… You get to make that call. The reality here is that someone tried to save a few dollars for their own pocket and a lot of people were injured as a result, some very seriously. The job of the representative of the injured parties is to uncover what happened, why it happened, what should be done about it and who is financially responsible.
As a personal injury attorney we are charged with the well being of our clients and we take that very seriously. Sadly, the people who own this home are on the hook for the damage and even more sadly so are the ones injured. The injured people didn’t know that corners were cut. Those corners matter!
If you want a law firm that will minimize your injuries and settle for pennies on the dollar call someone else. If you are looking for a law firm that will take you and you’re your injuries seriously call the Law Firm of Guenard & Bozarth at 888-809-1075 or visit www.gblegal.com We Listen, We Care And Most Important, We Get Results!