A study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety in collaboration with Virginia Tech has found that drives who own cars with assistance technology are nearly twice as likely to engage in distracted behavior like texting, playing with the radio or not paying attention to the road. The distracted behavior increases when the systems are fully engaged as opposed to when they are turned off.
In the research they recorded the distracted behavior which ranged from texting, holding a cell phone, adjusting the radio, smoking a cigarette, talking to a passenger or simply not paying attention to the road. The prevailing opinion is that driver-assistance systems can improve safety while the reality is that drivers overestimate the technologies ability to prevent crashes the study says.
In Seattle at least 24 serious or fatal crashes in 2018 involved inattention which could include either distracted driving or just a driver getting lost in their thoughts while driving according to data from the Seattle Department of Transportation. Washington law like California law forbids the use of electronic gadgets such a cell phones, tablets, laptops and personal gaming devices while behind the wheel, including while stopped at a stop sign. Despite a statewide public education campaign about the dangers of distracted driving, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) issued 19,850 citations during the month of April 2019 to drivers who violated California’s hands free cell phone laws. This total represents a 3.6 percent increase from April 2018.
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