Turn on the radio during drive time in Sacramento and you’ll hear report after unending report of accidents. Some of these reports state there are injuries and others reports tell you non injury accident. Some of us will hear these reports after being pulled over for a dangerous or illegal maneuver and getting a traffic ticket. Ever wonder why so many accident reports?
A company called QuoteWizard actually took the time to compile over 2 million pieces of information and their model says Sacramento has the worst drivers in the top 75 metropolitan areas in the U.S! Specifically we have the highest rate of traffic citations in the nation and we are Number 4 in the nation in DUI’s and accidents. The method used to rank the best and worst drivers in the country is the average of weighted areas. That means the researchers looked at the number of accidents, speeding tickets, DUIs and citations. Many of the tickets were as a result of red light violations and distracted driving. The report also revealed the best drivers in the country live in Detroit, Michigan and Providence, Rhode Island.
How are you driving these days? How often do you perform a California stop (slow down and don’t really stop) or drive in a distracted manner. Many well intentioned people do this with their children in the car. The message we send is that if Mom or Dad do it then it must be OK. These may seem like little things, but these are the activities we often hear clients tell us the “other guy” did right before a collision. Slow down and pay attention. The call or text will wait and a full and legal stop only takes a second longer!
We represent people who are injured because of the careless and reckless acts of others. At the end of the day your case can only be settled one time and you need to know all of the facts beforehand. The reason that insurance companies have paid our clients in excess of $130,000,000.00 is that we get the facts and are not intimidated at the prospect of going to trial when they refuse to follow the law. We help with serious issues that require serious representation. We are the Law Offices of Guenard & Bozarth. We have over 80 years of experience in our plaintiff’s only law firm. Call GB Legal 24/7/365 at 888-809-1075 or visit www.gblegal.com We Can Help!