Parents whose infants died using inclined sleepers are taking to the internet in the hope of preventing more deaths. These parents are tired of waiting for the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to act after repeated requests to do so. The CPSC has again deferred to an industry organization known as ASTM International who is hoping for a voluntary recall of the product.
Don Huber, director of product safety at Consumer Reports, who sits on more than a dozen ASTM panels says “It was unbelievable to be in that meeting and hear that the industry needs more data to eliminate the category.” When Fisher-Price and others introduced inclined sleepers a decade ago they were not required to provide any evidence the products were safe for sleep. Huber asked “Why is there a greater burden to remove a hazard than to introduce one?”
Pediatricians and other health experts say parents should adhere to the ABC’ of sleeping for children under age 1. The baby should sleep alone, on its back and in a crib according to the American Academy of Pediatricians. The infants crib can be placed in a caregiver’s room but the child shouldn’t sleep in the caregiver’s bed due to an increased risk of asphyxiation. The crib should also be free of bumpers, blankets and toys that can smother the infant and be firm enough to prevent smothering if the infants face ends up against the surface of the crib.
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