America created designated bike lanes for individuals and families to ride in. The idea was to have a safe place for riders by creating space where riders could feel comfortable. The State of California Legislators even took the next step by requiring drivers of cars and trucks to leave a 3 foot space between themselves and bike riders. In a bike vs. car scenario the bike simply has no chance. When that approach was falling short of the goal cities and municipalities stepped in with electronic signs to fill what some considered to be a void. This is just one explanation of the anatomy of failure.
This is a sign placed for the sole reason of reminding cars to “Give Cyclists Space.” Let’s examine the risks at play here… The first thing we see is the sign has been proactively placed in the exact location where the rider is designated to be. That leads to the rider having to either risk ducking their head when riding near the sign and being concerned about clearances or riding to the traffic side (no room on the curb side) of the sign and momentarily joining passing traffic that’s moving at a faster rate than the cyclist is moving. By even momentarily joining the lane of traffic with their back to the traffic they open the door to a collision with passing traffic due to no visual traffic reference. That leads to assigning fault after the collision and the question was the rider at fault due to an unsafe lane change?
The rider will see the event one way while the driver and their insurance provider will see it another. We see an injured person, we see a situation that could and should have been avoided and we see investigations that have to happen if we don’t have this sort of visual proof of negligence. If this happens to you or a loved one give us a call and we can take it from there.
We represent people who are injured because of the careless and reckless acts of others. At the end of the day your case can only be settled one time and you need to know all of the facts beforehand. The reason that insurance companies have paid our clients in excess of $130,000,000.00 is that we get the facts and are not intimidated at the prospect of going to trial when they refuse to follow the law. We help with serious issues that require serious representation. We are the Law Offices of Guenard & Bozarth. We have almost 60 years of experience in our plaintiff’s only law firm. Call GB Legal 24/7/365 at 888-809-1075 or visit We Can Help!