With the warm breezes of Summer finally here we will all either attend or even host a Summer party where a swimming pool will be part of the equation. With a little planning and minimal expense we can increase our level of enjoyment and actually have time to interact with other adults by inviting one additional person. An American Red Cross Certified Lifeguard.
Whenever you mix a party atmosphere with children and adults you have a prescription for a great time along with the potential for serious injury and even death. Kids will be kids and while they are being kids the adults will often be adults. There are times when adults get involved in a conversation and their attention on the kids in the pool can be diminished for just a few moments. Often, these few moments are all that a child needs to get seriously injured and potentially drown. Few things crush the spirit and intent of a Summer party like the arrival of the paramedics to revive a child that was found to be unresponsive in the deep end of the pool.
Many of us pay for a professional to change the oil in our car, pay a professional to cut our hair and many people who have Summer pool parties will even pay a professional to keep their pool sparkling clean and looking good for the party. We are big advocates of spending a few dollars to hire an American Red Cross Certified Lifeguard for the party. Your lifeguard is not emotionally involved with the attendees and instead remains intellectually involved and focused on the safety of those swimming in the pool. Your lifeguard also allows the host to sit back, entertain guests, barbeque and otherwise relax in knowing that their most vulnerable guests are being watched over by a professional. We prefer to hire this trained professional now and not need a trained professional in an emergency room later.
The lawyers at Guenard & Bozarth are personal injury advocates. We see first-hand the consequences of injury and the long term issues that arise as a result. If you or a loved one has been injured please call the law office of Guenard & Bozarth at 888-809-1075 or visit www.gblegal.com We have the experience and compassion you deserve and we are available 24/7/365 we Can Help!