Experiencing Nursing Home Abuse against a loved one is soul crushing. When a family is forced to transition a loved one to a nursing home they expect they will be safe and well cared for there. Sometimes that’s the case and other times the reality is quite different.
Frequently, when a nursing home resident gets a reputation of being “difficult” the care and concern of the staff diminishes and instead of accommodating the needs of the resident it becomes just a job and patient care can suffer. Some staff members even turn to the use of antipsychotic drugs for their patients. Many of these same drugs are used to treat conditions like schizophrenia and these drugs were never approved for use with the elderly or patients with signs of dementia. A new report by Human Rights Watch found more than 179,000 people in nursing facilities are getting these drugs… often more for the convenience of the staff rather than a specific medical problem.
The situation often gets worse when a family raises concerns about the use of these drugs. There have been reports where the facility threatens to relocate or remove residents if they don’t allow the use of these drugs. It’s easy to blame the overworked caregivers many of whom work 12 hour days with minimal breaks and more patients under care than the law allows, but that is too easy. It’s unacceptable for nursing home employees to give residents dangerous drugs without their or their representatives knowledge or coerce people into allowing it. It’s hard enough to watch a loved one develop dementia and worse to watch them be given dangerous drugs.
We represent people who are injured because of the careless and reckless acts of others. At the end of the day your case can only be settled one time and you need to know all of the facts beforehand. The reason that insurance companies have paid our clients in excess of $130,000,000.00 is that we get the facts and are not intimidated at the prospect of going to trial when they refuse to follow the law. We help with serious issues that require serious representation. We are the Law Offices of Guenard & Bozarth. We have over 80 years of experience in our plaintiff’s only law firm. Call GB Legal 24/7/365 at 888-809-1075 or visit www.gblegal.com We Can Help!