The San Diego Unified School District is considering joining the Los Angeles Unified School District in their class action lawsuit against e-cigarette company Juul. They are accusing Juul of targeting teenagers with flavored vaping products. While San Diego has not taken their final vote they are expected to join in the lawsuit.
The suit hopes to have other California schools become part of the action and have the potential to receive compensation from the company due to the destructive nature of their product and how attractive their product is to teenagers. The lawsuit specifically alleges the company is targeting teens with vape pod flavors including Maple Donut, Blackberry Mojito, Cinnamon Toast, Cosmic Fog Chili and Catch Ya Latte! These names appeal to teens and they also report loving the smell. News reports
A single JUUL pod can contain as much nicotine as one pack of cigarettes or 200 puffs and it’s unlikely teens using these products understand how much nicotine they are ingesting. The vape flavors make the product taste good and while the nicotine is harmful it has also been shown to be an addictive substance. Nicotine has also been shown to permanently damage the teen brain. E-cigarettes like Juul also contain chemicals with health risks we are only beginning to understand. For example, Diacetyl is a chemical found in many e-juices and is linked to a dangerous respiratory disease known as popcorn lung. It’s safe to assume the tobacco industry’s plan is to get young people hooked on products with enticing flavors while masking their real danger. Today many kids who say they wouldn’t smoke cigarettes are using e-cigarettes for the simple reason they are cool and appear to be safe.
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