We hate delivering really bad news to clients. Recently clients with full coverage insurance realized they weren’t covered like they thought they were.
This couple did everything the way they thought they were supposed to. When they bought their new car they upgraded to full coverage insurance. They had liability (L), medical (MP), collision (COL), uninsured motorist (UM) and underinsured motorist (UIM)… They even had coverage for towing (T) and rental car (RCR). When it came to the UM coverage they had $15,000/$30,000 and that seemed like more than enough coverage. That level of coverage is considered the minimum and it wasn’t nearly what they needed!
After the uninsured driver hit them they were transported to the hospital by ambulance and spent the night there. After they were released from the hospital they followed up with their medical doctor to seek care for their injuries. A few days later the bills started and never seemed to stop. Ambulance, Emergency Room, Private Room, Evaluation and they were even billed to be released. The Medical Payment (MP) portion of their policy paid the first $1000 for each of them… that didn’t cover the full ambulance ride. After the MP paid the first $1000 there was no more and they used the UIM portion of their policy. After the hospital was paid in full the UIM portion was almost exhausted. Since the person who hit them was uninsured and had no assets there was nothing we or anyone else could do to help them. This is all too familiar! Look at your policy. Increase your UM/UIM limits to at least $250,000… more if you can afford it. Protect yourself. Watch our videos on full coverage on our website and if you have further questions please call our office and talk with one of our lawyers for free.
We represent people who are injured because of the careless and reckless acts of others. At the end of the day your case can only be settled one time and you need to know all of the facts beforehand. The reason that insurance companies have paid our clients in excess of $130,000,000.00 is that we get the facts and are not intimidated at the prospect of going to trial when they refuse to follow the law. We help with serious issues that require serious representation. We are the Law Offices of Guenard & Bozarth. We have over 80 years of experience in our plaintiff’s only law firm. Call GB Legal 24/7/365 at 888-809-1075 or visit www.gblegal.com We Can Help!