In 2017 Sacramento had the second highest cyclists’ fatality rate in the nation. In 2018 the fatality rate rose by almost 300%! A detailed study proves head injuries are the biggest reason for bike related deaths. Not a single state requires adult riders to wear helmets. Even more troubling is many bicycle advocates oppose such regulations.
Deb Banks is the acting executive director of the Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates and she said “It’s a distraction.” She went on to say that “the larger issue are streets that need to be safer and the crumbling infrastructure.” Ms. Banks commutes about 5 miles a day to downtown Sacramento and does not wear a helmet. She will wear a helmet on longer trips. She takes what she calls “low stress roads that are known bike commuting roads, so I feel safer and cars that travel those same roads are more likely to be aware of the cyclists around them.”
We know that head injuries are the leading cause of bicycle related death and after reviewing page after page of similar findings Jennifer Homendy from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) agreed and says her agency should put its weight behind a push to mandate helmet use for all riders. An additional fact not mentioned in this report is the increasing number of traumatic brain injuries as a result of bicycles crashes. The NTSB’s most recent research offers fresh evidence about the true extent of head injuries in bicycle crashes. It found “the underutilization of helmets continues to contribute to the incidence of deaths and serious injuries among crash-involved cyclists.” The job of the NTSB is to speak the truth and they have done this in their research findings.
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